Win Triathlon race places with Otinova®

We have partnered with RunThrough UK to give away Triathlon race places.


For your chance to win a RunThrough Triathlon race place, simply enter your email address below. With 10 places to give away across 2024 RunThrough Triathlons, your chance of winning is high, so be on the lookout in your inbox!

    Please tick this box to confirm that you are happy for your data to be used as described in our Privacy Policy.

    partnered with

    Thorpe Park Sprint Triathlon – June 2024

    Our first partnered triathlon giveaway with RunThrough at Thorpe Park. We had a great time supporting triathletes with Otinova® and meeting our very first triathlon race place winners.

    Guildford Triathlon & Kids Aquathlon – July 2024

    Our second Triathlon at Guildford. We met triathletes in the event village and helped them with their swimming-related ear issues.

    Next Triathlon to be announced soon…

    How Otinova® helps Swimmers

    Otinova is antifungal and antibacterial, helping to remove pathogens that may have entered your ears from indoor and outdoor swimming.

    Otinova has a drying effect in the ear canal with its astringent mixture of aluminium acetate, helping to relieve itching and inflammation.

    Otinova can be bought without a prescription online and from your local pharmacy, making it a great alternative when you're busy training and travelling.

    Otinova® Ear Spray

    Relieve Swimmer’s Ear with Otinova® Ear Spray


    For any sporting competition, training and preparation are key to achieving the best performance.

    Continue to enjoy water-based activities that may irritate sensitive ears.

    Reduce suffering from inflammation of the ear canal quickly.

    Unique composition that is scientifically documented and proven.

    Easily applied by spraying the solution into the ear canal.

    Free of antibiotics and cortisone (steroid).

    Otinova cannot be used with a perforated eardrum

    Do not use if you have a sensitivity to any of the ingredients, we recommend a patch test on the skin prior to administering the spray.
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